Sunday 9 September 2012

Food Chains and Food Webs

Food Chain and Food Web


PRODUCER: Disocactus fruticusos

Primary Consumer: Gibbereus toxucumamor

Secondary Consumer: Caballio islandica

Tertiary Consume: Rodentia pahin

Decomposers (scavengers): Boletus aquatica
Vultur audientes

More information

Primary producer / Autotroph
- Organims, such as plants, that produce their own food.
- E.g. Phytoplankton, algae.

Primary consumer / Heterotroph
- An animal that eats primary producers.
- E.g. Mussels, oysters, krill, shrimp

Secondary consumer / Heterotroph
- An animal that eats primary consumers.
- E.g. Lobster, seastar, humpback whale.

Tertiary consumer / Heterotroph
- An animal that eats secondary consumers.
- E.g. Shark, dolphin

Apex predator / Heterotroph
- An animal at the top of the food chain with no predators.
- E.g. Shark, dolphin

Decomposer / Detritivores
- Organisms that break down dead plant and animal material and waste, and releases it again as nutrients and energy in the ecosystem.
- E.g. bacteria, fungi, worms


1)bhagya-->geraldine--> ye xuen-->meghna and sherisse(decomposers)
2)deepika-->geraldine-->ye xuen--> meghna and sherisse(decomposers)
3) deepika-->bhagya-->ye xuen-->meghna and sherisse(decomposers)

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